Monday, March 20, 2017

* GOALSCORING: It seems as if LIONEL MESSI breaks a goalscoring record every week, such is his mindblowing knack for finding the back of the net.He became the Barcelonas leading goal scorer at the age of 24, breaking Gerd Mukkers 38 year old record for the most goals scored in a single season (73). He is the greatest goalscorers of all time and will no doubt set even more practically unbreakable records.
RONALDO matches Messis ability to find the back of the net and can also be considered as one of the greatest goal scorers of all time. He bagged 225 league goals in 200 games since arriving at Real Madrid.
* HEADING: Heading is one of the few aspects of Messis game that cannot be considered a wprld class attribute because of his lack height and BARCELONAs style of football.
For someone with such skill and technique on the field of play, RONALDO can leap and power his head through the ball. He has many countless goals coming from his head.
* DRIBBLING: MESSI is simply one of, if not the best dribbler the world have ever produce. Tis speed of thought together with his lightning quick feet enables his extraordinary ability to enter a crowd of players and come out with the ball still on his feet.
RONALDO is also an excellent dribbler, recently his adapted to more of a centre forward roal with expert finishes moves rather than starts them. That is not to say that he is capable of running at defenders and leaving them for dead.
RONALDOs dribbling could perhaps be summarised as explosive where as MESSI could be described as more intricate.
* PASSING: MESSIS pass can not be overlook, his vission and execution when searching for a team mate is up there with the very best who have played the game profesional.
MESSI completed 1313 passes last session at LA LIGA in 2014/15 and was rated 82.2% in the passes he conpleted.
RONALDOs passing ability cannot be compired to MESSI. Barcelona have been built on a philosophy of passing football, whereas Real Madrid are all about fast paces and explosive attacking football. RONALDO was rated 81.3% having completed a total of 654 passes last season.
* PENALTIES: MESSIs penalty record has suffered serious setback over the years. MESSI have missed 16 of the 79 penalties he has taken in his career as a footballer.
RONALDO on yhe other hand has an unrivalled record from the penalty spot. Since he entered REAL MADRID, he bagged 51/56 penalties all to his job well done.
* PHYSICALITY: As we all know Messi is not tell and in his younger days, he was danger of being overlooked due to his slight build and lack of physical power.
RONALDO is as close to perfection as it get for the modern days football. At 6 foot 2, he is got the height and with the help of his impeccable physique, he has the strength of an ox.
*TEAMPLAY: In the 2014/15 season, Messis linke up play with Neymar and Suarez to a slightly lesser extent reached new heights as they all seemed to settle on exactly the same wavelength. We also saw his unselfish side come into play as he would often pass up on a decent scoring opportunity to gift a team mate an easier chance, or hand them the chance to take a penalty.
In contrast to Messi, Ronaldo has often been the subject of frustration for both fans and team-mates, often guilty of trying to do too much on his own when using a team mate might have been a better option. He was also guilty in the 2014/15 season of very evidently showing frustration when a team mate had scored instead of him.
The final scores highlight just how close the battle is between these 2 players and just how lucky we are to have them both playing in one generation. Messi dropped points mainly due to his physical limitations in areas such as heading, strength and power but he topped his opponent on natural ability and technique on the ball, as as his effectiveness on the rest of the team.
Whatever your stance though, there is little doubt that these 2 players are light years ahead of anybody else playing the game today, and will surely go down as 2 of footballs all time greats.
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