Saturday, April 15, 2017

Merry Christmas Poems 2017

Merry Christmas Poems 2017

Christmas is the most delightful time of the year that we are celebrating with family, faith and tradition of given gift, cards and wishes. The Christmas is coming holidays in schools that gives them a lot of time to play the childrens. There are a lot of free time to play gaming consoles, elders are hit of holidays as free and they can sit relax.Christmas greeting send to easy way with the warmth and love of Christmas spirit to your friends, wife, teacher, Husbands, your parents, kids, your business partner etc.  We have got the most beautiful and cherished Christmas wishes, greetings and quotes for your family.
Marry Christmas is coming on the 25th of December every winter season of every year on the shower your loved the wishes and you spread the enjoy across the globe and let all the time pleasure of your love. You send to wishes of greetings  regards via massages in whats app, SMS or text,  and emailing Christmas cards to your family and thinking to during the most important time of the year.  The people meet at the party and convey Merry Christmas Wishes. Marry Christmas is the most precious festival that in the day their God Jesus Christ born and the people are praying to god for their wellness and goodness of each and every people living in this earth.  For the wishes the people buy a set of cards, make a list and send wishes to all of your loved ones.

1. Christmas Message And Quotes For Family
2. Christmas Love Messages And Quotes
3. Christmas Message And Quotes For Parents
4. Christmas Messages And Quotes For Boss
5. Christmas Messages and Quotes For Teacher, soldiers and Clients
6. Christmas Messages And Quotes For Friends
7. Christmas Messages And Quotes For Kids
8. 100+ Sweet Merry Christmas Quotes Wishes and Thought
9. Merry Christmas Greeting Cards-2017
10. Merry Christmas Images

Merry Christmas Poems

Its Christmas Time
The scenes of the season
Can be seen and heard all around
From the church bells ringing
To the lights in old downtown
The wind is chilled
With the winters air
You can tell its Christmas
Its everywhere
The sounds you hear
The sights you see
All say Merry Christmas
To you from me
Enjoy the season
Give thanks in prayer
For Gods Son He has given
For people everywhere
by Robert Blankenship
A Crime Scene
Theres been a murder, a woman was killed,
found in a bathtub, partially filled.
A pair of policemen went into the house
and questioned the poor womans spouse.
Hed just come home from working all night
and found her like that, a terrible sight.
The younger policeman looked on with dismay.
Hed never forget that terrible day.
He saw the young woman from behind the door
and empty milk cartons all over the floor,
Scattered strawberries, slices of fruit,
and spoonfuls of sugar and honey to boot.
Who could have done this terrible thing?
His voice had a horrified, pitiful ring.
Just look at the clues, replied Sargeant Miller.
It looks like the work of a cereal killer.
by Albert Van Hoogmoed

My Christmas Wish For You
My Christmas wish for you, my friend
Is not a simple one
For I wish you hope and joy and peace
Days filled with warmth and sun
I wish you love and friendship too
Throughout the coming year
Lots of laughter and happiness
To fill your world with cheer
May you count your blessings, one by one
And when totaled by the lot
May you find all youve been given
To be more than what you sought
May your journeys be short, your burdens light
May your spirit never grow old
May all your clouds have silver linings
And your rainbows pots of gold
I wish this all and so much more
May all your dreams come true
May you have a Merry Christmas friend
And a happy New Year, too...
by Ruth Kephart
Oh Little Child
Oh Little child so near the tree
The precious view you clearly see 
Adorned in white, a glistened sight
A chilling warmth, its nearly night 
Excitement grows within each eye
A splendid match, so bright yet shy 
You make each wish, each secret part
A ray with God, so fills your heart 
Your wants are small, unselfish child
Not to be wrapped, branded or styled 
A world of hope, filled full of peace
A caring call, let love increase 
Next year this child so wants to be
Back out to watch, this growing tree 
What of our choice as time goes by
Will hope and peace and love climb high
by Roger J. Robicheau 
Tis a lesson you should heed,
If at first you dont succeed,
Try, try again; 
Then your courage should appear,
For if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear
Try, try again;
Once or twice, though you should fail,
If you would at last prevail,
Try, try again; 
If we strive, tis no disgrace
Though we do not win the race;
What should you do in the case?
Try, try again
If you find your task is hard,
Time will bring you your reward,
Try, try again 
All that other folks can do,
Why, with patience, should not you?
Only keep this rule in view:
Try, try again.
The Greatest Gift
When Christmas shopping is finally done, 
wrapped gifts lie ‘neath a tree 
that sparkles bright with tinsel and light 
for everyone to see.
Each gift has been selected 
with thoughtfulness and care. 
Brining joy with evey toy 
and other gifts we bear.
But let us keep within our heart 
the much greater gift than these. 
One from above, with God’s great love 
should bring us to our knees.
A gift of birth to all on Earth. 
A gift that’s far from small. 
To everyone, He gave His Son... 
The greatest gift of all.
by Ron Tranmer
Christmas is nearly upon us
"Christmas is the time of year to reflect with thoughtful prayer,....
to cast aside of all bad thought and habits you expressed throughout the year.
We can all join together to celebrate jesus birth,....a renewal and beginning right here on planet earth.
Jesus left all of us a messagage while here on earth,to love,to care.
his words were ever simple,plain and so very,very clear:
"Be kind to one another throughout the coming year".
Christmas is the time of year to spend with the young and old, the needy, greedy and the poor.a time to love,a time to share.
let us all spread our love around with all our heart and soul,....
for the love of your neighbor should never turn so cold.
Songs of Christmas carols fill the nightime air, and friends
gather round the fireplace drinking egg nog and cider without a worry
or a care,.... a time to love, a time to share.
Chestnuts roasting on the stove, mistletoe strung over every door.
the noisy sounds of slay are so difficult to ignore,....ringing out so
loudly,they spread vibrations throughout the creaking floor."
Attending morning service in our house of worse-ship, singing hymns
and prayers of thanks, children in nearby parks and playgrounds
play games and harmless pranks.Turkey cooking in the oven,children 
playing with their new found toys,.....what a thrill and pleasure to
see all the happy and smiling faces on all the little girls and boys."
God bless you all this Christmas Day
And drive the cares and griefs away.
Oh, may the shining Bethlehem star
Which led the wise men from afar
Upon your heads, good sirs, still glow
To light the path that ye should go.
As God once blessed the stable grim
And made it radiant for Him;
As it was fit to shield His Son,
May thy roof be a holy one;
May all who come this house to share
Rest sweetly in His gracious care.
Within thy walls may peace abide,
The peace for which the Savior died.
Though humble be the rafters here,
Above them may the stars shine clear,
And in this home thou lovest well
May excellence of spirit dwell.
God bless you all this Christmas Day;
May Bethlehems star still light thy way
And guide thee to the perfect peace
When every fear and doubt shall cease.
And may thy home such glory know
As did the stable long ago.
by Edgar Guest
Visions Past
The Christmas tree was real
That heavy tinsel, special feel
So many lights, in sparkling view
Glass ornaments, hung neatly too
An angel perched, atop it all
Seen shining down, it did not fall
The tree was watered in its stand
Its special smell, came on so grand
Nativity, was always perched
In middle window, all would search
Side windows dressed with candlelight
Id check the view, from sidewalk sight
All was right, this child felt sure
That special time, lived in his door
I thank you God, for visions past
Which come alive, to hold and grasp
 by Roger J. Robicheau 
God bless you all this Christmas Day
And drive the cares and griefs away.
Oh, may the shining Bethlehem star
Which led the wise men from afar
Upon your heads, good sirs, still glow
To light the path that ye should go.
As God once blessed the stable grim
And made it radiant for Him;
As it was fit to shield His Son,
May thy roof be a holy one;
May all who come this house to share
Rest sweetly in His gracious care.
Within thy walls may peace abide,
The peace for which the Savior died.
Though humble be the rafters here,
Above them may the stars shine clear,
And in this home thou lovest well
May excellence of spirit dwell.
God bless you all this Christmas Day;
May Bethlehems star still light thy way
And guide thee to the perfect peace
When every fear and doubt shall cease.
And may thy home such glory know
As did the stable long ago.
by CC Xavier Knight
Here comes Santa on Christmas Eve
"Here comes Christmas its that time of time of year for Santa to appear.
snow is falling on the ground,.....everywhere you look snowflakes
can be found.children wearing mittens in the snow,.....making snow balls they intend to throw.
jingle bells a ringing, jing-a-ling,the sounds of Christmas echos
ring. parents and children skate on the lake,.....the children
home for holiday break.
Children dream of Santa Clause, parents shop without a pause.
the days are bright, the nights so clear,....the love and spirit of Christmas permeates throughout the wintery air.
Christmas carols sung at night,....under a dancing moon that glows
so bright.chestnuts roasting, grownups toasting this special time of
year,.....after a nip or two, all our woes and troubles seem to disappear.
here comes santa its Christmas Eve,....hes finally here its hard
to believe.santa and his reindeers are now flying high,....their
lonely silouhetes dot the blackboard sky.
Empty stockings line the living room wall, hung for boys and girls
who have images of santas gifts racing through their minds,....
all in hope that they will find,.....their stockings filled to the 
very top with toys and presents of every kind."
The Last Christmas
Another year has come and gone,
Another Christmas Past
We reminisce of days gone by
And loved ones who have passed
We remember Christmases from long ago
And the joyous times we had
Opening our presents on Christmas morn
The smiles of our Mom and Dad
We ask ourselves, where did they go?
These years we oft recall
And how many more will we lay to rest
Before we hear the call
How many Christmases yet to come,
How many New Year’s days,
Are waiting in the years ahead
As we grow old and gray