Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Steps Ladies Take To Avoid Sleeping With Men They Visit

Steps Ladies Take To Avoid Sleeping With Men They Visit

Today, we are looking to be treating a very important issue that many ladies very keep on asking and searching to find  steps ladies take to avoid sleeping with men they visit.

Indeed having something in common is inevitable in very relationship but it must not be at the first time you visit a man. Ladies can prolong the abstinence for as long as possible when they take certain steps. 

These Are Steps Ladies Take To Avoid Sleeping With Men They Visit 

* KEEP DOORS OPEN: Many ladies always like to be on the defense side by telling the man they want to visit to keep doors open. So that everyone could see what is happening in the room.

* SHOW UP RED FLAG: Ladies know that men don’t like hearing that red flag up. So many ladies do use it to tune of men from their present mode.

* WEARING TIGHT CLOTHES: Ladies wear tight clothes when they go to a man house go as not to sleep there or very anything to do with him for the first time till a long run.

* THEY WOULD HAVE A FRIEND WITH THEM: Ladies don’t like visiting friends alone. They will love to go with a company of one or two friends.

* THEY ALWAYS AVIOD SITTING ON THE BED: Many ladies avoid setting on the bed which time they visit a man because they feel being trap to do what they don’t want to do.

* THEY FOCUS ON SOMETING: Note that another thing ladies do is to focus on something different like reading books or watching movies.

* TELL STORIES THAT TOUCH THE HEART: Sometimes, ladies cook up all sorts of stories that would make men pity them; they talk about how they have suffered one or two forms of abuse in their previous relationships. They act traumatized and this would naturally throw the men off balance.

* ANSWER CALLS AT INTERVALS: When a lady thinks she have stayed long in a guys house, the best thing is to start answering calls.

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