Sunday, March 26, 2017

100 Sweet Merry Christmas Quotes Wishes and Thought

100 Sweet Merry Christmas Quotes Wishes and Thought

Christmas is the most delightful time of the year that we are celebrating with family, faith and tradition of given gift, cards and wishes. The Christmas is coming holidays in schools that gives them a lot of time to play the childrens. There are a lot of free time to play gaming consoles, elders are hit of holidays as free and they can sit relax.Christmas greeting send to easy way with the warmth and love of Christmas spirit to your friends, wife, teacher, Husbands, your parents, kids, your business partner etc.  We have got the most beautiful and cherished Christmas wishes, greetings and quotes for your family.

Marry Christmas is coming on the 25th of December every winter season of every year on the shower your loved the wishes and you spread the enjoy across the globe and let all the time pleasure of your love. You send to wishes of greetings  regards via massages in whats app, SMS or text,  and emailing Christmas cards to your family and thinking to during the most important time of the year.  The people meet at the party and convey Merry Christmas Wishes. Marry Christmas is the most precious festival that in the day their God Jesus Christ born and the people are praying to god for their wellness and goodness of each and every people living in this earth.  For the wishes the people buy a set of cards, make a list and send wishes to all of your loved ones.
1. Christmas Message And Quotes For Family
2. Christmas Love Messages And Quotes
3. Christmas Message And Quotes For Parents
4. Christmas Messages And Quotes For Boss
5. Christmas Messages and Quotes For Teacher, soldiers and Clients
6. Christmas Messages And Quotes For Friends
7. Christmas Messages And Quotes For Kids
8. Merry Christmas Poems 2017
9. Merry Christmas Greeting Cards -2017
10. Merry Christmas Images

100+ Sweet  Merry Christmas Quotes , Wishes and Thought

Do not expect Santa They all are Drunk and flat
  Merry Christmas without gifts

We all have that one friend with
whom you always spend Christmas
The blessings of peace, the beauty of hope,
 the spirit of love, the comfort of faith,
 may these be your gifts this Christmas season.
May Christ bless you with all
 the happiness and success you deserve!
 Merry Christmas!
Warmest thoughts and best wishes
 for a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year.
You are special, you are unique;
 may your Christmas be also
 as special and unique as you are!
 Merry Christmas!!!
   May God shower his love on all of you.
 May Christmas be a time of peace for you.
 Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas.
Special Christmas greetings to a person
 who is just so very special.
 We wish you and your family
 a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
Wish you a Merry Christmas
 and may this festival bring abundant
 joy and happiness in your life!
Bless us Lord, this Christmas
 with quietness of mind;
Teach us to be patient and always to be kind
The gift of love.
 The gift of peace.
 The gift of happiness.
 May all these be yours at Christmas.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
 May it bring you joy,
 happiness and everything else you deserve.
Blessed is the season which engages
 the whole world in a conspiracy of love!
 – By Hamilton Wright Maybe
I hope that your Christmas would be enjoyable
 and may the essence of Christmas remains
 always with you. Merry X-mas.
Bless us Lord, this Christmas,
with quietness of mind;
Teach us to be patient and always to be kind.
 – By Helen Steiner Rice
Christmas is a season for kindling
 the fire for hospitality in the hall,
 the genial flame of charity in the heart.
Ask your children two questions this Christmas.
 First: What do you want to give to others for Christmas?
 Second: What do you want for Christmas?
 The first fosters generosity of heart and an outward focus.
 The second can breed selfishness if not tempered by the first.
 – By Author Unknown.
Love and Joy came down on the earth on Christmas day 2
 make you happy & cheerful.
 May Christmas spread cheer in your life…
As long as we know in our hearts
 what Christmas ought to be, Christmas is.
 – By Eric Sevareid.
Christmas is the gentlest, loveliest festival of the revolving year –
and yet, for all that,
 when it speaks,its voice has strong authority.
 May the magic of Christmas brings you Happiness,
 Cheers and fun into your life Merry Christmas to you
Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world –
stronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death –
 and that the blessed life which began in Bethlehem nineteen
 hundred years ago is the image and brightness of the Eternal Love?
 Then you can keep Christmas.
 – By Henry Van Dyke
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world,
and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory,
 like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.
 – By Garrison Keillory
I wish Santa brings you the gift of never
 ending happiness this Christmas!
 May you and your family be blessed abundantly.
 Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
A Christmas candle is a lovely thing.
 It makes no noise at all.
 But softly gives itself away.
 – By Eva Logue
Christmas comes but once a year,
Bringing with it a plethora of colours and flavors,
 May your Christmas also be one of happiness and abundance!
At Christmas, all roads lead home.
 – By Marjorie Holmes
May all your days be merry and
bright and may your Christmas be white!

I will Honor Christmas in my heart,
 and try to keep it all the year.
 – By Charles Dickens
The best gift ever given was the original Christmas gift.
 Gods gift that keeps on giving. Merry Christmas!
Find the perfect words!
 Rather than just writing MERRY CHRISTMAS in your cards
 and gift tags for your friends use a Christmas quote or saying.
 Browse our wonderful collection of famous quotes on Christmas by noted authors,
 celebrities and poets and send them an unforgettable message.
Your love for others reminds me of the love
that Christ has. Merry Christmas!
May your life be filled with warmth,
 love, peace and good cheer this Holy season,
 Merry X-mas.
Of all religions,
 the Christian should of course inspire the most tolerance,
 but until now Christians have been the most intolerant of all men.
May the light of love shine upon you,
and may your life is filled with blessings in this Christmas season.
 I am dreaming of white Christmas,
Hope your holiday season is fun and festive.
Merry Christmas!
Theres something about Christmas time
 that makes us all kids again.
Christmas is the time for festivities and spreading love.
 Merry Christmas to you and your dear ones!
May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,
 The gladness of Christmas give you hope,
 The warmth of Christmas grant you love.
Deck the halls with boughs of holly surround yourself
 with those who are jolly and
 have a Merry Christmas!
I am dreaming of white Christmas with every card I write.
 May your days be merry and bright
 and May all your Christmases be white.
May you have the spirit of Christmas which is Peace,
 the gladness of Christmas which is Hope,
 and the Heart of Christmas which is Love.
 May your fire be warm.
 May your chocolate be hot.
 May your Christmas wishes come true more often than not
Wishing that you have lots of fun this Christmas
 and that Lord Jesus turns every dream of yours into reality!!!
May the Christmas bells accomplish
 your worth of living by fulfilling your dreams.
May all your wishes and dreams come true!
Christmas is here!
 It is time to decorate the Christmas Tree and indulge in festivities.
 Merry Christmas.
May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you today
and throughout the New Year.
The blessings of peace,
 the beauty of hope, the spirit of love,
 the comfort of faith
 may these be your gifts this Christmas season.
May Christ bless you with all the happiness
 and success you deserve!
Merry Christmas!
Wish u all A Merry Christmas
 May the Joys of the season Fill your heart with goodwill and cheer.
 May the chimes of Christmas glory Add up more shine
and spread Smiles across the miles Today & In the New Year.
You are special, you are unique;