Tuesday, May 30, 2017

how to create whats app group and how to make someone group admin

how to create whats app group and how to make someone group admin

                                        HOW TO CREATE WHATS APP GROUP
whats app is no more new to everybody ,i believe almost everybody uses whats app to chart,send pictures,video,images,voice chart and make calls provided that u and your partner have subscription(Mb) on your phone.
 i will be using this tutorial, to explain how to create whats app group and make someone  admin in your group
Do you know you  can have more fun creating your own whats pp group? if no or yes just fellow the steps below and see how it work i believe you will like it
STEP 1 Go to whats app  and press option button  use will see a display like this below

Then you can use the arrow  facing new group click new group and you will see and display like this below
 Step 2. Now you good to go,  first add all the people you want to be on group. you can see the arrow 1 is place you place the group icon i.e image,pictures,etc. then the second arrow is the place to put the group name. after that you can start enjoying your group.
                                    HOW TO MAKE SOMEONE GROUP ADMIN 
Do you can have more than  1or even up to 10 admin in a group. it depend on how the person that created the group want It ,making someone admin is very easy just fellow steps click the group name at the top and scroll down you see a display like this below

 Then after getting to the name of the person you want to make admin  then click it, you see a display like the above snapshot you can see the arrow is facing make group admin click it at all. the person is now admin and the person can also visit friends to the group and even make someone group admin too.so can enjoying guys no dulling moment.
 if you have any questions please use the comment box and we shall get back  to you.

Go to link for download